Commander Dan Soper is Commander of the NASP METOC. He has
served as Combat Officer and Weapons Officer in addition to his service
in aerography. As Ocean Services Officer at Pearl Harbor and
Fleet Oceanographer for the Second Fleet, he was responsible for all oceanographic
products. At Pearl he also prepared the "Local Forecaster's Handbook."
He also served as Instructor in Environmental Support for the Atlantic
Tactical and Navy Doctrine School, as Executive Officer at the Naval Ice
Center, and as amember of the Staff of the OCeanographer of the Navy.
His diverse experience amounts to nearly 14,500 hours at weather forecasting
and oceanography-related tasks.
Petty Officer Trisha Bednarczk is Forecast Duty Officer and Sub-regional Forecaster at the NASP METOC. She has been forecasting in the Gulf Coast region since 1990 and has also had experience forecasting in the Mediterranean. She has logged over 13,000 hours at forecasting and forecasting-related tasks.

Mr. David Etheridge is a senior civilian forecaster at the NASP METOC
and a true "weather lover." He has been forecasting since 1966, including
a tour in Viet Nam and service for the Strategic Air Command. He
also served for a time as Instructor at the USN Aerography School.
He has logged over 54,000 hours at forecasting or forecasting-related tasks.

Lt. Jeff Fulson is Regional Chief Petty Officer at the NASP METOC, following
his service there as Sub-regional Foreaster. His deployments as Observer
and as Aerographer include Diego Garcia, the USS Mt. Whitney, and Rota
Spain. He has logged a total of nearly 14,500 hours at forecasting
and forecasting-related tasks.

Mr. Howard Graham is senior civilian forecaster at the NASP METOC.
He has been a forecaster since 1958, including service at Guantanamo Bay,
service with the "Hurricane Hunters," deployment on the USS Forrestal,
and service as forecaster at Jacksonville FL, Memphis TN, Rota Spain, Charleston
SC, and Norfolk VA. He has logged nearly 55,500 hours at forecasting
and forecasting-related tasks.

Mr. Robert Hollenbach is a senior civilian Forecaster at the NASP METOC.
He has been forecasting since 1977, including service on the USS Independence,
the USS Kingsville, the USS Wisconsin, and the USS America. He served
as Staff Forecaster at Pearl Harbor and also as an Instructor at the USN
Aerography School. He las logged over 47,000 hours at forecasting
or forecasting-related tasks.

Senior Chief Jerome NcNulty is qualified as Forecast Duty Officer and
Hurricane duty Officer and serves as Lead Chief Petty Officer at the NASP
METOC. His service as Observer and Aerographer includes postings
at Adak AL, Midway Island, Brunswick ME, Patuxet River MD, Lemore CA, Pear
Harbor, and Misawa Japan. He served as Instructor at the USN Aerography
School and the Naval War College. He also deployed as a Lead Chief
Petty Officer aboard the USS Okinawa. He has logged nearly
44,000 hours at forecasting and forecasting-related tasks.

Aerographer Gary Pelletier is Forecast duty OFficer at the NASP METOC.
He served as Weather Observer and Forecaster's Assistant on the USS Nimitz,
and Forecaster at the USN installation on the island of Crete. He
has logged a nearly 12,000 hours at forecasting or forecasting-related

Lt. Jeff Willis served as Command Duty Officer at the NASP METOC.
Deployments as a forecaster included the USS Saratoga, numerous deployments
on NATO exercises, and a posting as Forecaster at Pearl Harbor. His
service includes a Forecasting cite waver and the responsibilities
of Hurricane Duty Officer. He has logged over 25,000 hours at forecasting
or forecasting-related tasks.